Hands-on #9 - Webhooks


  • Access the CDC console here
  • Access the CDC Help Portal here
  • Find out your attendee ID here


Configure a new webhook

From the "Sites" screen, make sure you have selected the API key that you created using your attendee ID.

  1. On the left menu click on the "Webhooks" link (underneath "Registration-as-a-Service").
  2. Click "Create Webhook".
  3. Use the following settings:
    1. Name: Account created webhook
    2. Notification URL: The URL (Your unique URL) copied from the weebhook.site.
    3. Version: 2.0
    4. Events: Select Account created
    5. Click "Create".
Trigger the webhook and observe the payload
  1. Click the button below and register a new account.
  2. For the email use "Your unique email address" from webhook.site.
  3. Switch to the "webhook.site" browser tab.
  4. Search for your request (left panel).

Congratulations! You have just simulated a real webhook behavior!

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