Hands-on #2 - Schema, Subscriptions, Consent


  • Access the CDC console here
  • Access the CDC Help Portal here
  • Find out your attendee ID here


From the "Sites" screen, make sure you have selected the API key that you created using your attendee ID.

Customise profile fields
  1. On the left menu click on the "Schema" link (underneath "Registration-as-a-Service").
  2. Underneath the "profile" object, find the following fields and make them "required":
    • profile.firstName
    • profile.lastName
    • profile.email
  3. Save your changes
Create data fields
  1. Create these new "data fields" in the "Accounts" database:
    • accountType
    • occupation
  2. Under the "Data" object modify the following settings on your new fields:
    • Type: string
    • Write Access: clientModify
    • Nullable: Checked
  3. Save your changes
Create subscription fields
  1. Create these new "Subscription" in the "Accounts" database:
    • weeklyNewsletter
  2. Under the "Subscriptions" object locate the "weeklyNewsletter" object and click on "email".
  3. Change the following settings:
    • Type: subscription
    • Description: Weekly Newsletter
    • Required: Unchecked
    • Require Double Opt-In: Unchecked
  4. Save your changes
Create consent objects
  1. On the left menu click on the "Consent" link (underneath "Registration-as-a-Service").
  2. From the consent menu click on the "Add" button.
  3. Use the following settings for your new consent:
    • Type: Terms of service
    • ID: termsOfService
    • Versioning by: Number
    • Effective as of: 1
    • Re-consent cut-off: 1
  4. Click on the "Add Consent Template" option, select the following:
    • Locale: Japanese (ja)
    • Purpose: Japanese terms of service.
    • Leave the "Document location" options unchecked.
  5. Click on the "Save" button.
  6. Now your new consent item is listed on the consent screen.
  7. Click on the "Active" switch to turn the consent on.
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